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Get around St. Lucia

You can trip anywhere you want to go by bus.

About Bus Service


St. Lucia has an inexpensive bus service by which most islanders get to town, school and work. Buses pass through all main roads around the island and stop at all towns along the way. They’re frequent between main towns (such as Castries to Gros Islet) and generally run until 10pm (later on Friday); however, there is no scheduled timetable. Very few buses run on Sunday.If there’s no bus stop nearby, you can wave buses down en route as long as there’s space for the bus to pull over. Pay the fare directly to the driver. Buses leave their stops when they are full, so often catching a bus on the road is limited by the number of seats available. At times it’s easier to backtrack to a larger town in order to find a bus that has a seat for you.Route numbers are displayed on the buses, but it’s best to check with the driver, just in case. Buses are easily distinguishable from taxis as they have a green license plate, while taxis have a blue or red one.


Ministry of Infra structure, Port Services and Transport

Union Office Complex, Castries, Saint Lucia



Prepared by Ryo Tashiro, JICA/JOCV

(Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers)

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